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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Watch X Men First Class Online Free Megavideo

I would like to drive theory. People are wondering why the X-Men: First Class is not only a right at the box office this weekend, compared to something like Thor, he did damn good. The question is: why is an unknown quantity as the Thor be the most successful movie franchise well-known and tested, such as X-Men. The simple answer is, of course, that the last two films of the X-Men have been fucking awful (which is X-3 and the Wolverine, of course), which is likely to be hurt a lot of people. However, it ignores the fact that both these films, while completely fucking terrible, yet a shit ton of money anyway. Movies do not need to be good to be popular and make lots of money, Transformers 2 was sufficient testimony to this. And X-Men: First Class is pretty good (I swear I get to another).

This is what I think the problem is, all X-Men movies are always on Magneto. People can not get enough of Spider-Man because he fights a new villain crazy every time. Meanwhile, Magneto is the bad guy did the same shit in X-Men 1, 2 and 3, more or less. And now, first class is like, "You saw three films of Professor X and Magneto struggle against ... this is a film about the time they began to fight!" I do not think the mass audience that is intrigued, especially when you see something new, like Thor or Green Lantern here in a few weeks.

Which is a shame, because, again, X-Men: First Class is really good. I think it draws in the first half in many places, but all the editing of basic training through the final battle of the swell. James MacAvoy dickish nice but charismatic and arrogant as a young professor extra X, Michael Fassbender is a shit-ton of fassbending the younger, more torture, not quite evil Magneto (in fact, I saw a ton of tweets over the weekend by saying that Michael Fassbender should be the next James Bond when I saw the film in which Fassbender is essentially a magnetic field of James Bond for the first quarter). Kevin Bacon is a fucking joy as Sebastian Shaw. Jennifer Lawrence is very good as a strange mystical power, and Nicholas Hoult is good that the Beast, although none of them is the deepest character. In fact, no children or other bad guys are, but it's not like a big problem. It should be noted however, that January Jones is a fucking terrible actor.

It is not entirely level Channing Tatum - who is? - But his total refusal to act or show even an absolute indication of a human (or mutant), the feelings are quite amazing.

But all in all, I liked the Thor better than first class. This could be because I'm more Avengers guy anyway, but I think you should do by Professor X / Magneto fatigue, really. It 's a shame, because MacAvoy and Fassbender is a good chemistry together, and the scenes in which the mutants recruit fun (and not one share of draggy film, I'd be happy just watching them smarmily meeting of mutants throughout the day). set of 60 centuries - which is distinct but not distracting - makes a nice twist from the movie-X, too, that helps too. But in the end, though, just wanted to film and that's it.

Well, the last two things: 1) I think if one ignores the existence of X-3 and the Wolverine movie is really first class work with the continuity of the first two X-Men movies .. . I think. Of course, all good people should ignore the existence of X-3 and Wolverine anyway. 2) There are two appearances in the movie that are really, really want to see before it spoiled for you. If you have any interest, is more sooner than later.
