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Monday, June 6, 2011

Cars 2 Movie Owen Wilson Midnight Act

Cars 2 Movie - Owen Wilson knows a thing or two about the others in the news! His "law of Midnight" appears to be dominated by the spirit of gossip-addicted.

Hey ... pull the brakes on your dirty mind!

I'm talking about his act, "Midnight in Paris!"

Turning point in the Cannes film festival and, as expected, the film swept the audience their feet. The film is the brain child Maverick, Woody Allen, and must collect all the hype after the screening.

Wilson plays Gil, who went to Paris with the family of his future wife.

Now, I do not need to praise the film, because if the names Owen Wilson and Woody Allen is associated with the project, it should be surprising.

the future performance of Owen Wilson does not stop there, as soon as the self-fu movie starring the actor as a voice hit the theaters.

I mean the second installment of the blockbuster 2006, the cars. This film, like Cars 2 will be released July 22. Owen Wilson will again vote Lightning McQueen, who will travel for an international adventure this time.
